Apps > Paid Apps > Education

Price: $2.99

Category: Education

Released: Jan 18, 2014

Version: 1.0

Size: 63.7 MB

Seller: Tom Knox

Rated 4+


Beat Exam Stress – Test Angel by Tom Knox

Beat Exam Stress - Test Angel Screenshots


Its now official: Stressed students get lower results...

No surprises there, then....

Test Angel Beat Exam Stress is designed to help you stay calm & focused during your exams, using the same techniques that athletes and actors use to deal with performance anxiety.

Control your nerves before they control you
You've worked hard, you know your stuff...
But mention the word 'Exam' and you go to pieces?

Programme your Mind for Success
TestAngel gives you easy steps to follow and teaches you
techniques that make it impossible to panic.

Your brain is like a Sat Nav
You punch in where you want to go and it takes you there...But if youre
focusing on failing or panicking on the day... That is what you are entering
in your brain. You need to 'punch in' where you WANT to go... Not where you DONT want
to end up! You dont go shopping with a list of things you dont want!

How does TestAngel work?
You are given 4 special techniques to feel calm & focused during your exam, including techniques to stop panic. All these then come together in the all-inclusive Mental Training Programme. There is also an E-Book with practical tips making this package a truly mind changing experience.

Panic button
You need help this instant? Listen to the 4 minute audio to stop a panic attack & get yourself back in control.

Anticipation is key to success, why go through Hell when you dont have to?

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Beat Exam Stres..


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