Apps > Paid Apps > Education

Price: $0.99

Category: Education

Released: Jun 11, 2013

Version: 1.0

Size: 3.9 MB

Language: English

Seller: Anton Zanimonets

Rated 4+

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad. Requires iOS 4.1 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.

Interaction Coach by Psychofriend

Interaction Coach Screenshots


This app is a product of two certified psychologist. They took a lot of modern books about improving communication skills and composed them into short articles. Then they made practical exercises to each of methods based on their own practice experience.

You should remember that theory is good but it becomes really useful while applying it in real life to form communication habits.

Improving your communication skills is an art that comes with regular practice. As proven, practice makes a man perfect, start with a noble intention and keep practicing dedicatedly till you reach perfection. No matter how intelligent you are, your communication skill is the only attribute that will help you to convince your target audience. So, make wise use of your words skillfully and make sure to establish your point politely.

Remember, the art of communication is the language of leadership.

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