Apps > Paid Apps > Education

Price: $1.99

Category: Education

Updated: Nov 20, 2010

Version: 1.0.1

Size: 6.8 MB

Language: English

Seller: Icanology LLC

Rated 4+

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 3.1.2 or later

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MathGirl Addition House by Icanology LLC

MathGirl Addition House Screenshots

Description "fantastic" "a lot of fun for kids of a variety of ages" "great fun" "a fantastic math resource" "every educators dream!" and "an exciting alternative to flash cards and the traditional 'drill-n-kill' approach to learning." Her second grader called Addition House "addicting" "For kids it's not a math game, it's a fun game." "...stimulating and will help children add faster and faster" "extends the game play and lets children create and build their own environment."

Addition House makes every girl a MathGirl! Build your own customized play house by getting faster at adding flowers.

A fun game designed for girls + an engaging right-brain approach to numbers + cute, fresh graphics = Math Success

A 5-year-old can tackle the first 2 to 5 levels. Older girls will get faster and fluent at adding. All players discover that buying and selling items for the house is a math game too.

Watch out, parents! You might find yourselves sneaking in a few games.

Addition House will help players move from counting on figures to visualizing how many. Players move from 1+1 to 99+9 by exploring groupings of flowers.

If you have MathGirl Number Garden, you can sync and view your garden and house together.

In Addition House:
Count flowers in patterns, then add more flowers to get the answer.
Get faster by recognizing patterns.
Earn hearts for right answers.
Earn more hearts as you get faster.
Play 12 levels, from sums to 5 to sums to 99.
Replay levels to get faster and make more hearts.
Use hearts to "buy" items for your house.
"Sell" items to upgrade to bigger items.
Play in and save your personal house.
Save houses for up to 4 players.
Sync to Number Garden to view your house and garden.

House items:
House paint: 6 colors
Front doors: 4 colors
Welcome mat
Door windows
Hearts and stars in three sizes and 6 colors
Roof in 3 colors and 2 multicolors
Windows: 4 square and 4 rounded in 4 colors
Shutters: 4 square and 4 rounded in 4 colors
Flowers: 3 kinds
Roses: Pink and white
Butterfly, dragonfly, bunny, bee, snail
Window boxes with flowers
White picket fence
Castle tower
No Boys sign

Sums to 5
Sums to 6 and 7
Sums to 8 and 9
Sums to 9 and 10
Speed Round to 10
+5, +10
+4, +9
+6, +7
+3, +8
Speed Round to 20
10s Plus
Double Doubles
Tricky Doubles
Speed Round to 99

Icanology LLC is a member of Moms with Apps, a collaborative group of family-friendly developers seeking to promote quality apps for kids and families.
Recommended Ages: 4-7, 8-10, all
(Addition House may be too difficult for 4- and 5- year olds.)
Categories: Math, Counting, Addition, Multiplication, Games
(Addition House can be used to prepare for multiplication. Children struggling with mastering multiplication may benefit.)

What's New in Version 1.0.1

Crashing bug fixed! A very small number of people experienced crashing. Thanks for letting us know!

Customer Reviews

NOT FOR IPAD (1 star)
This is not for iPad as the website says. I wanted this for my daughter and went to the website to make sure before purchasing. It worked okay until I discovered I could not mute or turn down the annoying sounds. Then somehow the "phone" keypad appeared and will not go away.

Don't buy for iPad!!!!

Love it (5 stars)
Works flawlessly for us. DD loves adding the flowers and bugs together to earn hearts; the bonus hearts given for speed is another great incentive. She begs to play this and giggles like crazy over each new doo-bob she adds to her house. And this is the kid who'd have a hysterical meltdown whenever she "failed" a basic math problem... Awesome program - hope they keep putting out more.

Great math game (5 stars)
I love this app! I could only hope they make a multiplication and division version. I hope they make a math boy with rewards for custom vehicles. Well worth my money to purchase these apps. Please MAKE MORE APPS FOR BOYS AND MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION!

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