Apps > Paid Apps > Education

Price: $4.99

Category: Education

Released: Mar 15, 2014

Version: 1.01

Size: 29.9 MB

Language: English

Seller: Old Coder Design



Picture My Task by Old Coder Design

Picture My Task Screenshots


Picture My Task is a visual schedule designed to manage student activities in a structured learning environment. In the schedule, a student activity or task is illustrated through a picture or icon. These icons are arranged by the instructor into one or more schedules.

The student works on a prepared schedule moving from task to task until the schedule is complete. This allows the student to understand the days expectations and work independently. The student is able to gain a sense of accomplishment and success as they remove completed tasks from the schedule.

In addition to a single task the application supports first/then, and break time tasks. Using first/then can be used to motivate a student to work on a less desirable task. While using break time gives the student a choice between one of three tasks.

Each task icon is defined by a built-in picture and, optionally, two short lines of text. The application comes with a set of tasks already defined. Additional task icons may be created using the built-in editor.


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