Apps > Free Apps > Medical

Price: Free

Category: Medical

Released: Mar 26, 2010

Version: 1.0

Size: 1.1 MB

Language: English

Seller: iMed Studios

Rated 4+

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 3.0 or later

Customer Ratings

Current Version

(802 Ratings)

Hypermunes Pregnancy Wheel by iMed Studios

Hypermunes Pregnancy Wheel Screenshots


The Hypermunes Pregnancy Wheel App is an interactive pregnancy calculator and resource designed to be a quick, easy-to-use reference for on-the-go healthcare providers. Based on user input, the Wheel provides numerous calculations: expected delivery date, key trimester milestone dates, and a running tally of expected fetal statistics such as age, length, and weight. The Wheel also includes information about routine tests that are given during pregnancy, when these tests commonly occur, along with descriptions of the tests and why they are performed.

Customer Reviews

Free and Beautiful but Worthless (1 star)
This app is a beautiful work of art and an impressive demonstration of programming, that no healthcare professional over 30 will ever use. The "U" in UI seems to have been forgotten in favor of something pleasing to the eye at the expense of how it will actually be used in practice.

When picking dates with the wheel, the actual date is a gray-blue against a dark blue background which is barely readable, especially since it

Be very careful (1 star)
In my opinion, this program has nice graphics but the info is not accurate.

Most OBs, and I am one, use the acronym LMP to represent 1st day of last period and not " last missed period". This can become confusing to someone not paying attention and may even cause nasty clinical errors.

The author also says cells from amniocentesis can detect NTD. WRONG. Cells are used for down syndrome detection and not NTD, alt

Most like a physical wheel (5 stars)
This wheel is the most like a cardboard wheel I've seen so far. It actually spins like a physical wheel would, which is a nice touch. I like that. It also lists many common tests and provides descriptions of them, which will make it a handy reference to share with patients. Most wheels (cardboard or digital) do not provide those details. The mailing feature that allows me to mail status info from the wheel to myself or to someone else i

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