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Price: Free

Category: Music

Released: Jun 08, 2011

Version: 1.0

Size: 5.7 MB

Language: English


Rated 4+

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 3.1.3 or later

Customer Ratings

Current Version

(324 Ratings)

Songkick Concerts by Songkick

Songkick Concerts Screenshots


Songkick tracks your favorite bands so you never miss them live.

UK iTunes App of the Week, Cult of Mac Must-Have App, Billboard App of the Month

Instantly create a personalized concert calendar based on your bands and your location by scanning your music library. See why millions of people worldwide use Songkick to track their favourite bands:

Scans your iPhone/iPod Touch music library to track your favorite artists.
Get a personalized, local concert calendar for your bands.
Alerts when new concerts are announced.
For every concert, see the line-up, venue map, all the ticket options, and invite friends.
Browse all events in your location or any city worldwide. Add/edit more locations.
Customize your tracked artist list, so you never miss your favorite bands live.
Browse the full tour schedule for your favorite artists.
Keep track of your concert plans.

Testimonials and Reviews:

If I had to choose one concert recommendation service above all the others, I would pick Songkick.

With 100,000 concerts on its global database, Songkick dominates the listings market.
- The Guardian

"COOL: Find tickets, venue information and lineups in-app."
- appolicious

Songkick isnt the only music listings site But Songkick has emerged as the leader.
- New York Times

Its completely free and its bloody marvellous.
- Frackulous

"Songkick will recognize upcoming concerts from your favorite artists in bands in your area based on the scan, and automatically keep track of these in a tab dedicated to your personalized concert calendar."
- Lockergnome

"App of the Month"
- Billboard

"Top 10 iPhone apps to July 2011"
- Gamasutra

Customer Reviews

Watch out - get ready for unintended SPAM (2 stars)
Signed up for Songkick, loved it. Was tracking my 20 bands that I cared about. Installed iPhone app and thought life was awesome until I found out it had scanned my iTunes library and signed me up for some 400 more bands in my library that I did not care about and started getting iPhone notifications and email spam about them.

Disappointed (1 star)
Automatically scans and adds all the artists on your phone to your tracker - and there's no way to disable this, as far as i can tell. Result: I have to spend time manually deleting hundreds of unwanted artists from my tracker after EVERY time I log into the app. Crazy.

Pretty cool but needs better features (3 stars)
I love the ability to scan your playlists and pull concert information based on your artists. For better usability, I'd suggest giving us options on what to pull into our list. I have a lot of one-off artists that I only have a single song purchase for...I don't want to track concerts for these artists. Yes, I can go into each one of these artists and stop tracking them...but I'm guessing most of us who care about going to live concerts have

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