Apps > Paid Apps > Navigation

Price: $1.99

Category: Navigation

Updated: Oct 11, 2011

Version: 1.1

Size: 1.2 MB

Seller: jonathan teboul

Rated 4+

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 4.3 or later.

Customer Ratings

Current Version

(6 Ratings)

Map For Contacts by Jonathan Teboul

Map For Contacts Screenshots


This app retrieves contacts' addresses from your address book and shows you which contacts are closest to your current location or a specific address.

The contacts are displayed in a list and in a map view. List is sorted by distance to the specified location. And you can filter results by groups and address type (home, work, other).

This app supports address books with a lot of contacts without any problem. You can choose the maximum number of pins displayed on the map view. And you can choose to see only companies or ignore them.

Besides, the app allows you to sort you contacts by company, street, city, state, zip code or country.

What's New in Version 1.1

iOS 5 compatibility

Customer Reviews

Good for 10 contacts (2 stars)
I have over 2200 contacts on my phone. It takes FOREVER to propagate my contacts. This is a good app if you have no friends. (Okay, 10 friends...)

Good value for the price - Four Stars (4 stars)
I have been looking for the ability to map all of my contacts in an area so that when I travel to a region for business I can see the location of all my customers and arrange the trip accordingly.

This application solves the need that I have had for a long time.

Plus points
- The application successfully takes the contacts from the address book and accurately puts them on the map - sounds simple but so many apps usually

Comparison of MapContacts to iMap4You (4 stars)
- The dev is very responsive
- MapContacts has same clean design and responsiveness as dev's app ContactsXL 3. (By the way, I like ContactsXL for many reasons. One of the ContactsXL features he added to MapContacts was the option to display the contacts' picture. For those of you who have jailbroken your iPhones, you know that Cyntact does this for the native iphone apps: Address Book and Phone. Without jailbreaking, using Cont

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