Apps > Paid Apps > Productivity

Agenda Calendar
App Savvy

March 26th, 2012

This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad

Price: $0.99

Category: Productivity

Updated: Mar 26, 2012

Version: 2.6.1

Size: 6.8 MB

Seller: Ken Yarmosh

Rated 4+

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 4.2 or later.

Customer Ratings

Current Version

(74 Ratings)

All Versions

(544 Ratings)

Agenda Calendar by App Savvy

Agenda Calendar Screenshots


*Optimized for the new iPad's Retina display*

When you're mobile, your iPhone calendar app's main focus is to show you what's happening now.

Enter Agenda.

Agenda is a beautifully designed calendar for the iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad that gives you various "at a glance" views. We've stripped away all the stuff you don't need, so you can more quickly manage your day.

We also have introduced a clever feature called status taps. Status taps allow you to quickly confirm events, indicate arrival or lateness, and more generally send an email or SMS (iPhone-only) to attendees of an event from the event view using predefined messages. They also make phone numbers and addresses tappable, to initiate calls and open the Maps application respectively.


Featured by Apple around the world, download Agenda now and join the thousands of customers who are calling it the calendar app they've been waiting for on iOS. Chosen as one of Macword's highly selective 2011 "App Gems," Agenda has also been named "App of the Day" on Lifehacker and picked as TWiT's weekly "App Cap," while receiving rave reviews on TUAW, MacStories, swissmiss, AppAdvice, Minimal Mac, and just about every Apple, design, or productivity site on the Web.

"[Agenda] is a great calendar app, the best I have used on iOS thus far. Well done."
- The Brooks Review

"Agenda brings back the good stuff of desktop calendars to your iPhone and iPad."
- AppAdvice

"Agenda is clean, easy to use, and powered by a great gesturing system...get it."
- MacStories

"Agenda is a fast, tidy calendar app for iPhone."
- The Unofficial Apple Weblog

"Agenda is the calendar that should come with every iPad."
- Appstorm


Agenda supports Google Calendar, iCloud, Microsoft Exchange etc. by using the local iOS calendar app. All calendars in the iOS calendar will be available in Agenda.


+ Classic at a glance layout and twelve gorgeous themes
+ Status taps allow you to quickly send an email or SMS (iPhone-only) from the event view
+ Links, phone numbers, locations, etc. are actionable in the event view (e.g., addresses open up the Maps app)
+ Unique "Goal View" for keeping your year on track
+ Copy event in the event view using the share feature
+ Share an event and event invite via email
+ Swipes and gestures to quickly move you between views
+ Go To picker to fly to a date of choice
+ In iOS 5, show event alerts in Notification Center and the Lock Screen*
+ Eight custom event alert sounds
+ Advanced custom alerts and reminders from the event screen when Due is installed (
+ Add todays date to the badge

* Agenda does not have the ability show upcoming events like the iOS calendar in Notification Center; it can only show alerts that have triggered


+ Tap the status bar on any view to return to today
+ Swipe between the year, month, week, day, or event views with one finger
+ Search events by tapping the Go To icon (14) on the week (list) view
+ Landscape week view accessible from the week (list) view
+ Set the default opening view; choose the year, month, week, or day, or event view
+ Week numbers are available on the landscape week view


+ Tap the Target icon for today
+ Incredibly designed "iPad Mode" in landscape or enjoy the "Classic" swipe-driven iPhone interface in portrait
+ Search events by visiting the Day view
+ Amazing week view that shows your entire week at once
+ Set the default opening view (Settings Extras); choose the year, month, week, or day view
+ Week numbers are available on the month view

=====GET IN TOUCH==============

Have a question or concern about the app? Have a feature request? Visit the settings to drop a quick email from inside the app or head over to the Agenda site at, where we have a FAQ that addresses 98% of all questions.

What's New in Version 2.6.1

Now optimized for the 3rd generation iPad's Retina display screen. Also sports new icons for the list, today, and sync buttons on the iPad's toolbar.

In the meantime, we're hard at work on big updates. Your five star rating and reviews are appreciated and keep us motivated. :)

Customer Reviews

After love, comes regret (1 star)
I feel more at home than in the Outlook counterpart of my Exchange account. The people programming this have surely spent a good amount of time thinking about what's wrong with all the other apps. Zero clutter, amazing functionality the right way.
--- Updated
The other week I noticed that I couldn't read the text/description of an entry. It just wouldn't show it and that part had the address. Very dangerous, and I didn't even knew th

Please don't change anything! (5 stars)
This app is perfect. It's intuitive and easy to read. Please don't add anything to make it more complicated (or at least make those complications optional).

TIP: If your phone is jailbroken, you can make it so when you click on the built-in Calendar app, it opens this app. That way you get the nice updating Calendar icon. Search for "openother" in Cydia. It's not 100% compatible with iOS5 in that you need to specify the fu

Almost there (4 stars)
Overall, a beautiful app. The multiple period views (year, month, week, day) are terrific.

Some areas to improve: it doesn't show what's tentative or unaccepted (like the Apple) version as a gray appointment. I'd also like the ability to customize the font and other stylistic things.

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