Apps > Paid Apps > Reference

Price: $1.99

Category: Reference

Updated: Aug 09, 2010

Version: 1.2.1

Size: 1.1 MB

Language: English

Seller: Sean Murphy

Rated 4+

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 3.0 or later

Customer Ratings

Current Version

(34 Ratings)

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(238 Ratings)

Harvest – Select the Best Produce by Sean Murphy

Harvest - Select the Best Produce Screenshots


Harvest is your guide to selecting the freshest, ripest, healthiest and best-tasting produce. Whether it's knocking on watermelons, smelling pineapples, squeezing avocados, or examining the color of peaches, you'll always know the best approach.



On TV! ~ Featured in Apple's latest iPhone Television Ad

"Noteworthy" ~ Featured by Apple on the front page of the App Store

"#2 Paid Reference App Ranking" ~ iTunes App Store

Featured, December Issue ~ Clean Eating Magazine

"Pick of the Week" ~ Alex Lindsay, TWiT MacBreak Weekly Podcast

"Elegant, beautiful" ~ Joseph Wain, Glyphish, iPhone Icon Designer

"Brilliant job designing the app" ~ Smoking Apples Blog

"Essential" ~ SF Restaurant Examiner

"5 Stars" ~


Visit the Harvest web site at:



You've probably heard a few of those clever produce-selection tricks out there. The problem though, is remembering all of them when standing in the produce aisle of the grocery store with a fruit or vegetable in your hand. That's what Harvest is all about.

Harvest features an elegant and efficient collection of intelligent tips and techniques for purchasing the best quality fruits and vegetables. Harvest was developed with a deep attention to detail and function. With smooth, snappy browsing and searching, it's designed for quick referencing right at the market.

In addition, Harvest also offers instructions on how to best store and keep your perfect produce. Storing has it's own plethora of unobvious tips and tricks! For instance, did you know that garlic is best stored out of the refrigerator, and that corn loses half its sugar content in one day out of refrigeration?

Harvest also features pesticide residue levels for each item. To help your budget, you can selectively buy organic based on items which have the highest levels of chemical residue (even after washing and peeling). Furthermore, also included is a full list of pesticide levels from worst to best, so you can see the big picture of how pesticides play out across all produce.

During a time where junk foods and soda are more affordable than fruits and vegetables, Harvest aims to boost produce purchasing by helping you skillfully select items and spend money most efficiently. Youll have the knowledge to choose produce with the absolute best quality and maximize freshness and shelf life through optimal storage.

Harvest was designed with an extraordinary attention to polish and detail. The interface is beautifully crafted, responsive, and intuitive, resonating the elegance of the iPhone platform itself. Super-fast searching and smooth scrolling means youll be able to zero in on a specific produce item instantly. The content is just as impressive, featuring selecting and storing instructions, tips, tricks, and pesticide information for over 126 fruits and vegetables.

Harvest aims to pay for itself: Avoid purchasing a spoiling item, prevent waste through efficient storage, or selectively buy organic based on pesticide levels and the cost of Harvest is made up for!

Features include:
Selecting and storing instructions, tips, and tricks for over 126 fruits and vegetables
Super-fast searching and filtering for finding an item quickly
Pesticide residue levels under each item
Full list of pesticide levels, for the big picture about which items have the most
Know which items will continue ripening at home, and which are as good as they get when you see them in the store
Extremely fluid and responsive user interface (no choppy scrolling)
Elegantly designed graphics and images
Extraordinary attention to detail and usability

What's New in Version 1.2.1

The 1.2.1 update fixes a few issues on older iOS versions (3.1.3 and earlier) caused by the last update. Our apologies!

New features introduced in version 1.2:

- Support for iOS 4 including multitasking and enhancements for the high resolution display.

- Updated pesticide level information from the Environmental Working Group.

- Information offered via the Pesticides Level section explaining common questions such as "Does Washing Help?" and "How Were The Levels Measured?"

- The Produce Guide is now alphabetically indexed, allowing for faster navigation.

- Searching is now available in the Pesticide Levels section, so you can instantly find a specific item and check its level (no need to press on it or navigate further).

- Enhanced search interface throughout the application. The search bar moves to the top of the screen when searching, offering more room to view results, and the search bar is more accessible to initiate.

Coming Soon in Harvest 2.0:
An "In-Season" produce guide (a widely requested feature!)


If you like Harvest, please rate it 5-stars in iTunes every time an update comes out! Your ratings and reviews keep the updates coming!

Customer Reviews

Excellent (4 stars)
Smooth, easy-to-use interface, comprehensive info that helps you buy and try new produce with confidence. Was missing imagery of the produce that was less close-up at first, but found that the detail close-ups work just as well to help you correctly identify produce while shopping. Super responsive developer who respects his users and values their feedback. Looking forward to a way to filter items by season, a 5-star app when that gets imple

Excellent (5 stars)
What began as a good and helpful app has grown to fantastic --smooth interface, informative tips and info AND a most responsive developer. Get it-- you might use it/ need it more than you know!

Love it! (5 stars)
I've picked some perfect canteloupe and pineapple thanks to the tips in this app. It has paid for itself many times by helping me to choose good produce that my family eats and enjoys. :-)

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