Apps > Free Apps > Travel

Price: Free

Category: Travel

Updated: Oct 07, 2011

Version: 1.1

Size: 1.0 MB

Language: English

Seller: United States Department of State

Rated 4+

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 4.0 or later.

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Smart Traveler by US Department of State

Smart Traveler Screenshots


Smart Traveler, the official State Department app for U.S. travelers, invites you to see the world with easy access to frequently updated official country information, travel alerts, travel warnings, maps, U.S. embassy locations, and more.

With Smart Traveler, you can create personal itineraries, add notes, and organize your trips.

Smart Traveler also provides access to the State Departments Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). Free STEP enrollment enables the State Department to better assist you in emergencies such as natural disasters, unrest in foreign countries, or lost/stolen passports overseas. During your travels, STEP can help your family and friends reach you in an emergency.

Smart Traveler also provides quick access to the Departments Consular Affairs Facebook and Twitter pages. And for a bit of fun, you can shake your iPhone to get information on a random country!

What's New in Version 1.1

Expands the list of Countries and Areas and includes the ability to add custom RSS feeds.

Customer Reviews

Great app for International Travel (5 stars)
This app gives you the information you'd find on the Department of State website for US citizens travelling abroad. Everyone should review travel warnings and country-specific information before making plans for travel. I also highly recommend enrolling in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) before travelling abroad in case things should go awry. Yeah, I don't want the US government in my business at home, but oh, what a beacon of

Biased (2 stars)
The descriptions and maps are interesting, but I notice a lot of bias in this app. Harsh language is used when referring to countries that are not US allies but may not necessarily be dangerous. The US needs to stop its propaganda and tell people the truth.

Great! (4 stars)
This is a great app, for knowing about visa requirements for US citizens before traveling, and also a ton of useful info about countries, although there is 'way over protective' language of countries especially in middle east and Africa, and since I travel allot to these countries I have never experienced any aggression from their people but of course everyone should use common sense anywhere even in your own backyard. Unfortunately I find A

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